Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

Contoh Soal IMSO Bidang Matematika

By on 10.31.00

  1. If 672 is divided into three parts proportional to 3, 4 and 5, what is the largest number? (Soal Isian Singkat Nomor 1 pada IMSO 2007 di Jakarta). 
  2. Anelka’s weight is a whole number. If Anelka gains 6 kilograms, his weight will be less than 36 kilograms. If he gains 8 kilograms, his weight will be more than 36 kilograms. What is Anelka’s weight? (Soal Isian Singkat Nomor 3 pada IMSO 2007 di Jakarta).
  3. Use each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 exactly once to form two 3-digit numbers. What is the largest possible product of the two 3-digit numbers? Gunakan angka 1 sampai dengan 6 tepat satu kali untuk membentuk dua bilangan yang terdiri atas tiga angka. Kedua bilangan tersebut lalu dikalikan. Hasil perkalian terbesar yang mungkin adalah .... (Soal Isian Singkat Nomor 5 pada IMSO 2007 di Jakarta). 
  4. Some cats and some pigeons are in the pigeon loft. The total number of their heads is 34 and the total number of their legs is 80. How many cats are there? (Soal Isian Singkat Nomor 7 pada IMSO 2007 di Jakarta).
  5. A 10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm cube is cut parallel to its three faces as shown in the figure. After cutting, eight smaller solids are formed. What is the total surface area of these smaller solids? (Soal Isian Singkat Nomor 8 pada IMSO 2007 di Jakarta).
  6. What is the largest 2-digit prime number that can be obtained by adding two prime numbers? (Soal Isian Singkat Nomor 9 pada IMSO 2007 di Jakarta)
  7. In the figure, two equivalent circles are placed in the rectangle. The distance between the two center points of the circles is y. What is the value of y? (Soal Isian Singkat Nomor 10 pada IMSO 2007 di Jakarta).

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